

I get so excited when I receive a notification that someone has scheduled a consultation! I’m excited because there is a mother or a family looking for a Doula and I popped up on their radar through one of my affiliates or maybe they were referred. Which is TOTALLY AWESOME by the way! Thanks to all of you who have ever sent a mom my way!!

I want to share with you the WHY and the HOW of my consultations. Meeting with potential clients is very important to me . I also feel that meeting with your potential Doula is even more important. Here is where you will find out why I do not post my prices for doula services on my website. It’s definitely a choice ALL entrepreneurs and business owners will make. Here is my why…It’s really simple: Building relationships, communication, and energy.

The business of being a Doula is one that takes you into one of the most intimate spaces during a monumental time in a person’s life. We have to build trust very quickly, we have to be able to communicate with one another, and we have to tolerate one another. I am meeting potential clients blindly. Like, I have no idea who this person is or even what they look like before we meet. The client on the other hand knows who I am and what I do at least. They also know what I look like. They have possibly done a little research on me as well, as they should have. So knowing what has taken place prior to families reaching out to me and even making it to the consultation, because not everyone shows up for the consultation, I’m really quite interested, and eager to see if we will be a match. I know that there are several factors that go into choosing a Doula. I know that affordability is priority on the list. I believe that making a connection should be priority as well, that’s why having the consultation is important.

So let me walk you through my consultation process and give you the HOW.

Once I receive that AWESOME notification the next step is reaching back out as soon as I can and congratulating them on their pregnancy! I then send them a brief client intake form. This is how I get a snapshot of who I will be meeting soon. They are asked basic questions about their pregnancy , birth preferences, and knowledge of pregnancy, labor, and birth. Since the pandemic 100% of my consults have been virtual, and you know what, I really like that. It just makes everything so much easier.

Next is the actual virtual consultation. During this time I officially introduce myself and give a little background on my reasons for becoming a doula. My potential client is then free to introduce themselves and ask any questions that they may have. There is always some laughter and smiles thrown in there as well. I share with them what they can expect of me as their doula. Lastly I cover my contract and payment details. I usually end the consult letting the mom and family know that I think everyone who wants a Doula should have one, and I know that I am not the Doula for everyone. I let them know if they need any assistance finding the right one I am here to help. We say our goodbyes and then I wait! ( It’s True)

The last step in my client consultations is sending a follow-up email a week later if I haven't heard from them regarding their decision. I just feel that it’s a nice thing to do, you know letting people know where you stand!

Obviously not all of my consultations end with a relationship being cultivated and a contract being signed, and supporting them as they welcome their baby earthside and that’s ok. I just want to remind you again how important building relationships, communication, and energy is!

If you are looking for a caring and dynamic Doula contact me 🐝Let's Talk About What It Takes To BeeReady🐝!!!

Brandi Belger