Who Packed The Hospital Bag?
Who Packed the Hospital Bag?
Picture this if you will…
You're in labor and you are in desperate need of your fingernail clippers that you packed, due to a chipped nail that keeps getting caught on your blanket. Every time you think about it, another wave of labor washes over you! So, you focus, breathe, and remind yourself you are a warrior! You can do this! Your chipped nail crosses your mind again, because, of course, your nail gets caught again and you ask your supportive partner to look in your bag to get the clippers.
“Where is it?” he asks? You respond “ In a little, gold polka dot bag in the inside pocket on the left” He is looking furiously because of course another wave is coming and then he stops looking to rush over and coach you through and rub your back and tell you what a great job you are doing! You breathe a sigh of relief and say “Ok, did you get the nail clippers babe?” Of course, he did not, since he was being so supportive during the waves.
I’m sure you can see where I am going with this. Searching for items needed during labor may continue and may cause some frustration for both mom and partner! That is why I like to suggest to my clients that the partner or whoever may be there to support you, pack the hospital bag. Especially for the items that may be needed DURING labor, like chap-stick, lip gloss, hair ties, headbands, lotion, gum, mints, snacks, socks, camera, phone chargers, Ipad charger, toothbrush, and the list goes on and on.
The mom can get all the items that she feels she needs to pack and lay them out. Her partner can then pack the bag. That way they know where the items are when they are needed and the laboring mother can focus on bringing her baby earth-side!
The laboring mother should be in a relaxed and calm birthing space. Even something as simple as not being able to locate an item that she needs can cause her to feel frustrated or anxious. We only want positive vibes flowing right along with the oxytocin. This may not be the case for everyone, but it seems like a good idea to me.
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